Embracing technology with digital innovation Drone International Expo2023 NEW DELHI

Embracing technology with digital innovation Drone International Expo2023 NEW DELHI

One of the largest tech event Drone International Expo New Delhi was organised on December 2023 in New Delhi city from 26 July to 27 July. We have been attending this event since triennial and earned this golden opportunity to attend it this year too. Being regarded as the biggest Tech gala across the world this year the event went bigger with the introduction of the fastest growing software company.

Many of the Drone International Expo New Delhi giants of their CEO marked their presence as guests and members of the conference and workshops of this 2 days long event which focused on keynotes and curated conversations that was attended by industrialists, entrepreneurs and start-ups.

We have privileged to come across as a prospering company in this elite club of tech hub and were able to lure a huge no. Of visitors/prospective clients from the field of Tech enthusiasts.

The tech event was for 2 days and we were able to out reach through our work from day one with people independently together come true. We were glad to be one of the main drivers of the event in the midst of 1000+ companies presenting our expertise to people from different continents who were there to attend this futuristic technology event and promote their business in the various fields of technological advancements.

As automation in every industry increases, Triac software embraces all types of advancements in their business process with the constant increase in need of automation blockchain services artificial intelligence/Machine learning, digital marketing or infrastructure management Triac software optimises tailor made business process.

Founder and director of Triac software- Mr. SHASHIKANT TIWARI attended the event were exhibiting their proficiency which turned to associations and projects for company to be handled by our committed and exceptional team of developers, digital marketing and content creators.

This year event was prosperous for us as we were able to seize a large no. Of deals by the virtue of our hard work excellence and commitment. we have been showcasing since the inception of Triac software. We pledge to implement the state of the art practice to all over old and new associations and world like to extend our gratitude to Drone International Expo NEW DELHI for providing us this opportunity to come connect and broader our horizons.